Scalable throughput from microLiters to Liters
PreciGenome NanoGenerator™ 是用于纳米粒子合成的高性能仪器,如脂质纳米粒子、脂质体、PLGA 等,广泛用于药物输送、基因治疗、LNP 配制和制造等。
NanoGenerator™ 生成的纳米粒子具有更好的尺寸均匀性和更小的 PDI。它可从 0.1mL/样品筛选扩展到 1L(>10L 定制设计)大批量 GMP 生产
通过微流控技术合成纳米颗粒比传统的批量合成工艺具有优势,因为它能够在尺寸和形状上具有更好的均匀性。例如,在药物递送领域,使用NanoGenerator™纳米粒子合成系统可以合成脂质纳米粒子(LNP)、脂质体、PLGA等多种纳米粒子。脂质纳米颗粒 (LNP)、脂质体和 PLGA 是最常用的可生物降解材料,用于输送亲水性和疏水性化合物。
NanoGenerator™ 纳米粒子合成系统采用微流体装置进行可控和可调的聚合物粒子生产。下面的示意图说明了在聚焦流几何结构中为粒子合成而设计的结点装置。溶剂置换法 用于纳米粒子合成。
High Performance & Efficiency
Tunable size (40-200nm)
High encapsulation efficiency
Automation & QC
Automated workflow
Real-time data monitoring & recording
Open Platform
LNP reagents
Microfluidic mixer chips
Cost Effective
Affordable system
Low cost consumables
Minimum maintenance
Scalable & Reproducible
Scale-up and minimum process development
Direct transfer from clinical development to commercial manufacturing
Reproducible manufacturing
Custom Design & Service
Custom design & OEM
Research collaboration
On-site 3Q installation & qualification (optional)
Path from Discovery to Commercialization
The NanoGenerator is a fully equipped instrument, ready for immediate use in the development of preclinical nanomedicine drugs. It offers controllable and reproducible mixing conditions, ensuring the accurate synthesis of LNPs through its scalable architecture found in the entire NanoGenerator product line.
NanoGenerator system offers controllable and reproducible mixing conditions, ensuring the accurate synthesis of LNPs through its scalable architecture found in the entire NanoGenerator product line. This architecture facilitates the seamless transfer of crucial process parameters, guaranteeing consistent critical quality attributes (CQAs) as one transitions from discovery and screening, process development to GMP production and commercial manufacturing for a wide range of applications, such as mRNA LNP vaccine development.