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FastPlex™ One-Step SARS-CoV-2 Detection and Identification Kit (RT-PCR)

for UK, South Africa & Brazil Variants

FastPlex SARS-CoV-2 detection and identification kit is using RT-PCR technologies to detect the presence of the deadly UK B.1.1.7 ( UK B.1.1.7, 20I/501Y.V1, VOC202012/01), South Africa B.1. 351 (SA B.1.351, 20C/501Y.V2) and Brazil P1(N417T) variants. 

The FastPlex SARS-CoV-2 detection & identification kit is a fast and economical screening tool for detecting COVID-19 and identify the deadly UK and South Africa variants. 


The assay can be used on most real-time PCR instruments with 3-4 fluorescence channels, such as Bio Rad CFX 96, Roche Lightcycler 480, z 480 and ABI 7500. The standard RT-PCR reaction time is 90 minute. The assay can also be used on 16 sample portable mini PCR instrument for fast detection. It can detect positive sample in less than 30 minutes, and positive sample in less than 45 minutes.

kit pakage_UK_SA_variant, PG COVID-19 RT-PCR detection kit, PCR kit, PCR kit, COVID-19 PCR, coronavirus PCR, EUA, CE-IVD, PCR Test, PreciGenome, PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR, UK variant, South Africa
  • Features

  • UK B.1.1.7, South Africa B.1. 351 and Brazil P1 variants identification

  • Compatible with most 96 well plate real time fluorescence PCR instruments

  • < 250 copies/ml LoD for flu A, flu B and COVID-19 virus

  • Less than 90 minutes sample to results with regular 96-well PCR instrument

  • Less than 45 minutes sample to results with portable mini PCR instrument for fast detection

  • Best screening tool during flu season and COVID-19 pandemic


FastPlex™ Triplex SARS-CoV-2 Detection Kit (RT-PCR, S Gene included)

Catalog #: 02.01.1022

Single Test New Mutation Assay that detects Coronavirus positive & negative and includes H69-V70 del and N501Y for 5 channel PCR (e.g., Bio Rad CFX96). One test can detect UK mutation or any other mutation with 501Y presence (e.g., South Africa, Brazil or variants with S gene mutations)

  • Assay information

* FastPlex™ Triplex SARS-CoV-2 Detection Kit (RT-PCR, S Gene included) is a CE marked product, and for In Vitro Diagnostic Use. This kit is not FDA cleared.

  • Documents

Instruction for User (IFU)

Insert Manual

CE Certificate

FastPlex™ Triplex SARS-CoV-2 5-Plex Mutation Detection Kit (UK B.1.1.7 & South Africa B.1.351)

Catalog #: 02.01.1040

Mutation Identification Kit is compatible with 5 Channel PCR (for example Bio Rad CFX96) and is used to detect H69-70V del, P681H, N501Y mutations for UK 1.1.7 variant and E484K, K417N and N501Y mutations for South Africa 1.351 variant.


This kit can be used with FastPlex kit 02.01.1020 or 02.01.1038 or 02.01.1022 as a SECOND ASSAY for COVID-19 two variants detection


  • Assay information

* FastPlex™ Triplex SARS-CoV-2 5-Plex Mutation Detection Kit (UK B.1.1.7 & South Africa B.1.351) is a CE marked product, and for In Vitro Diagnostic Use. This kit is not FDA cleared.

  • Documents

Instruction for User (IFU)

Insert Manual

CE Certificate


FastPlex™ Triplex SARS-CoV-2 5-Plex Mutation Detection Kit (UK B.1.1.7 & South Africa B.1.351 & Brazil P1)

Catalog #: 02.01.1044

Mutation Identification Kit is compatible with 5 Channel PCR (for example Bio Rad CFX96) and is used to detect H69-70V del, P681H mutations for UK 1.1.7 variant and E484K, K417N mutations for South Africa 1.351 variant, N417T mutations for Brazil P1.


This kit can be used with FastPlex kit 02.01.1022 (S gene included) as a second assay test for COVID-19 three variants detection.


  • Assay information

* FastPlex™ Triplex SARS-CoV-2 5-Plex Mutation Detection Kit (UK B.1.1.7 & South Africa B.1.351 & Brazil P1) is a CE marked product, and for In Vitro Diagnostic Use. This kit is not FDA cleared.

  • Documents

Instruction for User (IFU)

Insert Manual

CE Certificate


  1. (2020) 2019-Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) real-time rRT-PCR panel primers and probes. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  2. (2020) 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Wuhan, China. [Online] US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  3. (2020) Real-time RT-PCR panel for detection 2019-novel coronavirus. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

  4. (2020) Emergency use authorization. [Online] US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Reference Papers Citing PreciGenome PCR Kits

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